Friday, March 4, 2011

Recent Revision In Crr And Slr-2010

The old king in his exile

Arno Geiger's book "The old king in Exi his l is "already a phenomenon, therefore, otherwise hardly a book on Alzheimer's into the Top Ten of the German book trade is advanced. As it relates to the fate of the father of Arno Geiger, is also biographical material, but perhaps also a non-fiction? Some critics, makes the classification problems others are touched and very impressed, but now the reader. Arno Geiger

it manages to love, but looking at cool, warm hearted and analyzing at the same time to write. He appears to never stop, not even in his (understandable) failure, for years have not detected the disease. At that time, the father of an eccentric, especially after his wife left him. That he suffered and increasingly confused, was only gradually clear. Alzheimer's disease, then walked slowly forward over a decade, to states in which did not recognize as such the Father himself into a tree. He saw him, but it had no idea, no idea what a thing it was. In between there have been many bright moments, in which the father was not just expressed in self-knowledge of his condition, but in this unintentionally poetic, imaginative nature said yes. These moments of contact with the poet Arno Geiger, and he recorded with. With the discovery of this poetry has ennobled Geiger Alzheimer's disease to some extent, her and his father's dignity has returned. Amid this desolation grow the beautiful and wise words-sometimes born out of necessity just to get on the "right" concept. The father established a kind of visual language, in which he describes his condition and also defined.

At this point everything is just right, it is compassionate and uplifting, never sentimental, never "clinically" and never merely comforting. Nevertheless, one experiences the collapse with very significantly. But, the book teaches, it is not just decay. It's even in the late stays in a nursing home, never so that the person loses because the continuity of their consciousness, but would be completely lost. Amidst the crumbling of the person shall continue a character who is only now and then rise from the thicket of dementia and can express themselves. It's not just the story of a loss, but also of the existence .

reason, and because it is so un-ambitious, seemingly written without effort is need to like the book. Even if it flattens out towards the end of something. The stringency of the narrative of this biography, and this relationship died down somewhat, it is fragmentary, a précis-so, seems like the life of the father to be monotonous.

As a counterpoint, and contrast is here once again to the book by Judith von Halle made on this issue.


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