Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How To Insert Digital Signature Cover Letter


Today came a mail from the good people, in which it is clear to the boys approached the 4h CC race.

To all

the little boy, I've knocked down'm fine.
I then but the piece of paper with the number displayed by the organizers.

The little boy is probably right after the hospital visit and returned to Trihill continued watching.

Just tell again to all who have noticed the incident.

Thanks and Guud

In this context, we have also learned that the fallen four cross, which was picked up at the Parallelveranstlatung by helicopter after a fall, again without serious injury is back on his feet.
Thus, the balance remains of an injured CC racer with a shoulder injury. At these here to go once again the best wishes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thesis Statement Examples Abortion

Schwalbe - Ride the Hill 2007 - Lindlar

Better late than never - here's the report on the four-hour race on the CC Leppedeponie, Lindlar.

hosted the event in the FOT, who called during the audit for a new approach using the event to life.
With the end of the landfill in 2010, the site is not closed, but parts of the landfill of the population be made accessible again. With Trihill there is the possibility that landfill with offers of leisure and recreation refocus. Sports activities have a special appeal because they are inspired by the already existing topography of the landfill. At the landfill has hilly terrain and a steep gradient are present as a prerequisite for many sports.
why have so far been selected minority sports, which have a very high space requirements and who have not yet been able to establish that strong. The three pillars of Trihill are the cross country and downhill mountain biking and cross golf.

On 18 August it was so far. 13 teams reported 1-4 riders set out on the 3.2 km long CC distance, all the bot:
stiff climbs, fast straights and technically difficult runs. The latter was particularly interesting because it is in large part to the downhill route last year acted, had designed a certain Markus Klaus Mann .

same fall potential was there and was gnutzt sadly, one or the other driver. Fortunately, the injury was limited, although a fellow was transported to hospital with severe pain. make

that representatives with 3 teams bao victory under would was almost as clear as the fact that we would have a say in the fight for a place not a word.

In Cast Volker, Mark, Stephen and Michael So, the team cycling nail alias RSF upper mountain was at the start. Volker, who played the next morning and start driver Leverkusen Triathlon was previously made clear that he, as the organization of bias would see. This plan failed after the first round - when you're hot, then you can not slow, right? ;-)

Volker was unfortunately the one that on the fast asphalt just after the start and end at a speed beyond the 30km / h, crossed over the line running child. Whether a Strckenposten or their parents could not watch after the event is no longer understand. Unfortunately bisheute also not clear how exactly is it the child. Just this: It was brought to consciousness and was just in case the Gummersbach hospital. At this point a speedy recovery from all RSF'lern.

Stephan was also rooted in "only" reported part-time as it was intended primarily for service to our Race sponsor . However, since George had canceled the day before the event, we were happy that Stephan wanted to temporarily stand in for him. This circumstance was for the overall result more than crucial. In this respect: Thank you both!

Stephan's "part time" presented in the results represent a real application, as Stephen went 10 of 29 laps - and not enough at times to the rest of the team could.

Mark and Michael wanted to go to start 2 rounds per turn after about 1 hour to put on a 1st-round strategy, since the increase was very tedious and time of the second round well behind those of the respective first layers.

ended after 4 hours and 02 minutes as Stephen circuit racer for the team and secured with two quick end to the males on the fourth time the retracted Place in the overall standings.

Our sponsor was following very satisfied with the result and donated "their" drivers still delicious ice cream. The truck showed that in the last hour of record sales.

Overall we had a lot of fun at the event. Too bad that in the run partly negative publicity (including local Internet forums) was that prevented a larger number of participants. Weitehin I missed some Oberbergische mountain biking clubs - would be a nice opportunity to have been the spread of our sport on the local political elite to show!

suggestions for organizational improvement:
A Separate results for team size and gender may also very useful. (Great deal of respect for the two individual drivers and the only woman!)
would also explains a bit more enthusiasm in the "Host" also effective for the audience.

hopefully we drive and the other Oberbergisches cycling clubs in the coming year, the opportunity again this race. That would be an asset to the MTB Riding in upper mountain.

Here are the rankings:
1 - Team bao1 32 laps - 04:00:28
2 - Team BaO2 32 laps - 04:02:55
3 - fat burner team wins 31 round - 04:03:17
4 - Team Cycling nail 29 laps - 04:02:16

The track I once saved as Google Earth path - can be downloaded here.